August 2024 Therapy approaches explained
3 MAIN SCHOOLS OF THERAPY I believe other therapists might be able to explain the 3 main branches of therapy better than I can but I'll give it a go for the clients who might come across these blogs. Although there are broadly speaking three main schools within therapy, in practice most clients will have […]
July 2024 Relationships heal
Relationships heal In the July 2024 Blog, I will quote extensively from my favourite book ‘A General Theory of Love’ in which the subject of our front-line doctors is discussed. The authors discuss the innovations that brought an unparalleled ability to cure: x-rays, anti-biotics, vaccines, anaesthesia etc. etc. However, they note that the reasoning part […]
June 2024 How to choose the right counsellor for you
2024 June MONTHLY BLOG EIGHT How to pick a Counsellor that is right for you The following has been largely produced by Emma Faulkner BA(Hons), Dip. Couns, MNCPS (Accred) and appears in the Counselling Directory. I have added additional signs and tips. Keeping yourself safe Make sure your counsellor is a member of a professional […]
May 2024 Childhood trauma leading to adult pain
2024 May Monthly Blog Seven Childhood trauma leading to adult pain. It is undeniable that childhood trauma doubles risk of mental health conditions. From the publication Psychology Today in 2023 is the following extract, ‘The effects of childhood trauma are often longstanding and chronic. Adult survivors of complex childhood trauma can struggle with processing what they survived in childhood, […]
April 2024 Addiction
MONTHLY BLOG SIX APRIL 2024 Addiction Last month’s blog referred to addiction so perhaps more information may be of help in understanding it. Addiction is a complex phenomenon that involves both psychological and biological factors. It is a progressive disorder characterized by compelling and repetitive engagement in a substance or behaviour, despite negative consequences.   So, individuals with addiction may use […]
March 2024 Lost Connections
MONTHLY BLOG FIVE – MARCH 2024 LOST CONNECTIONS In this month’s blog I want to try to define how as a society we have evolved, but in doing so we have become more anxious and depressed.  We seem to have lost connection with some of the ingredients of a confident, healthy community. Many people deal […]

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